Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I am creating this blog for my info tech project management class. I grew up in northern India. After graduating from GND University, I taught sales management and consumer behaviour to graduate business program. After moving to US, I started post baccalaureate work at Cal State Hayward . After two semesters, we moved with our little one to Gilroy. Working towards my goal of earning a doctorate took a back seat to earning a living and raising a family. During this time, I worked with a management consultancy firm , helped my family open, remodel, manage and sell two businesses. Finally in 2007, I enrolled in MIST III to get going on my path.
In today's tough economic scenario, project management appears to be a solution of multiple problems. The skills learned from this school of knowledge can be applied to almost all spheres of life. Managing resources optimally to achieve the desired goals is critical to the success of any initiative.

I plan to use my capstone project as the project in this course.