Monday, March 2, 2009

Chapter 10

Building a High Performance Project Team

The project team members work interdependently and cohesively to make decisions and solve problems during the life of a project. A high performance team is characterized by a framework of specific skills, attributes and accountability. A strong and synergistic team can deliver more than the individuals working alone. The framework for a high performance team consists of a positive team environment, collaborative problem solving capability and leadership.
A positive team environment fosters trust and respect among team members. Explicitly stated expectations about interpersonal behavior become the ground rules of a team. All the team members must commit to a shared goal and support from the sponsor. Meetings are conducted to exchange ideas, solve problems and accomplish goals of the project. In a positive team environment, team members are open to actively listening and seriously considering ideas and perspectives different from their own.
Another integral component of a good project team is the art of collaborative problem solving.
Problem solving requires understanding of multiple decision modes and applying the appropriate ones. Accepting the possibility of conflict (and the associated discomfort) is also essential for collaboratively working towards a common goal.
Leadership in essence defines the job of a project manager. How he or she leads is critical to the success of a project. A project manager is responsible as well as accountable for orchestrating healthy group dynamics, fostering creativity, demanding accountability and maintaining the strategic vision. This chapter has really been hitting home because in the needs analysis of my project, one of the big reasons for under-achievement of project goals was bad team dynamics and particularly weak leadership. Project management 101 is intended to help the team members learn and apply the skills required in a high performance project team.

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