Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Evaluation of Teams using CMM model

Team, ah! what a great word. A lot of literature has been written focused on this very word. This word has been the center of corporate attention for many many years. They say T.E.A.M is an acronym for Together Everyone Achieves More. Leaders like John Wooden and Herb Brooks create and maintain . They have taken ordinary groups of people and created history. It was only through team work that NASA scientists could rescue the Apollo 13 crew. The passion and the synergy of a team is largely dependent on the the degree of involvement of a leader. With that being said, I think that the onus of making a team successful is equally on the team. In my career, I have had the pleasure of being a part of a great team as well as a not so great team. For the best team that I have been in, I would give it a Level 5 as we all were continuously improving ourselves, listening to our customers and to each other. As far as the worst ( should I say the most challenging ) team I have ever been in was where, we were nine people and we were the personification of T.E.A.M Together Everone Argues More! We all different individuals put in a professional situation with 15 different goals and agendas. There was no semblence of unison of direction, active listening or purpose. I will give that team a 0 because of lack of cohesion in the team.

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